Massage benefits for Arthritis A regular massage of muscles and joints, whether by trained therapist or by self-massage at home, can lead to a significant reduction in pain for people with arthritis, according to Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, School of Medicine.
A pain in the neck – Natural headache relief
Nobody likes being in pain, especially from headaches. It turns out your mom was right when she told you not to slouch… There’s a connection between poor posture and headache frequency. ‘If someone has chronic headache pain, [we find] he or she often sits in a slouched, head-forward position,’ explains Dr. Merle Diamond, associate director of the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago.
How often should you have a massage?
Beating Stress Before it Beats You
Let’s start off with the good news — massage is a great health aid that has been shown to reduce stress and its accompanying physical health threats. An Internet search on “effects of stress” supplied over 250,000 related articles, and most of the references in this issue are excerpted from the results.